Skinny Jeans

Over the Christmas break I read four books. (Yeah, I know that was last month.) Only one of them was actually on my “to read” list. This is because when someone hands me a book and tells me it’s good and I should read it because I will love it, I feel obligated to...

Flirty Apron

For the sexy chef in your life.All seam allowances ½ inchSelf- B/W Leaves  5/6 of a yard Lining- Buttercup Yellow 5/6 of a yard  Contrast #1- B/W/Y Butterflies 1/3 yard  Contrast #2- B/W/Y striped/dots 1 2/3 yard  Please note, the above...

Deja Vu Blogfest

 Where we get to redo a post that we feel deserves a second chance.  I posted this originally back in February when I had less than a half dozen followers. My mom, Sharan Joyce,...

Gift Card Fun

This was just so awesome, I had to share.Target gift card with free Legos.I was at Target and saw this in the toy section. (It is not by the front counter with all the other gift cards.) I threw it into my basket, wondering how much it was going to cost extra at...

You want fries with that?

This is old news, but Heinz has reinvented it’s ketchup packet. However, I just got to use one for the first time this weekend.  Heinz said it redesigned the ketchup packet because it’s...

Death by Murder

Piano SkirtI recently got to participate as a suspect in a “Clue” type murder mystery game. My character was an accomplished musician with a conductor wand for her weapon. In real life I’ve played the cello and tuba–neither of them very...

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