Video Book Trailers

I entered an alternate version of my pitch on Disgruntled Bear’s blog, and while I was on the site, I noticed the video book trailers  on the side bar and thought making a video book trailer would be a fun thing to try. For $1300-$2300,...

The Princess Bride, Part II

As promised: Quotes from the classic movie and how they apply to publishing.Is this a kissing book? Know what genre your book is, and if your book doesn’t seem to fit in any established genre, ask yourself if you are trying too hard to sub-categorize your book. Books...

The Princess Bride, Part I

William Goldman, author of The Princess Bride, 1973, famously said “Nobody knows anything.” This quote is often mistaken to mean Hollywood executives are stupid, but Goldman actually meant to imply that Hollywood has no real idea how well a film will do...


Epic Follower/Blogfest ContestMy Twitter Pitch:When Gracie Heart finds threatening notes in her circus costume, she doesn’t realize she’s the one trying to warn herself: she’s next.

April Fools!

Need a fun practical joke? I’m passing along two fun ideas to try on your friends or spouse. (Or anyone whose car keys you can get a hold of for one minute.) Idea #1 works great if you live in a residential neighborhood with lots of kids, but it requires a little...

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